Making dua or dhikr in the heart or mind, is moving lips a must? - Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
Is reward the SAME if we recite Quran silently while moving lips instead of loudly
I cannot read Arabic, can I read Quran with the transliteration or translation? - Assim al hakeem
Can I read Quran while lying down? #Assim #assimalhakeem #assim assim al hakeem
Ruling on making dhikr, tasbeeh, dua, reciting Quran without moving lips or tongue - Assim al hakeem
Am I sinful if I revise Quran in my head, in toilet, while answering call of nature? assim al hakeem
Is it obligatory to read Quran with meaning? (3 levels of reward) - Assim al hakeem
Can we recite & touch the Quran without wudu? - Assim al hakeem
Is Wudu required to recite Quran on mobile, tablet, laptop
Must I recite in audible voice, hear myself or can I only move Lips Tongue in prayer assim al hakeem
Getting bad thoughts about Islam and Allah, what should I do? - Sheikh Assimalhakeem
Is Satan able to know what we are thinking? - Assim al hakeem
Swaying or moving back and forth while reading the Quran - Assim al hakeem
Am I committing sin if I imagine haram scenarios in my head but don't act on them?
What Allah Say's In The Quran VS What Science Say's | Bilal Assad
Does reward for reading quran translation equals the reward for reading it in arabic
Ruling on reciting quran without wudhu
Can Men & Women recite Quran during Major Sexual Impurity & What about doing dhikr?- Assim al hakeem
Covering the hair while reciting the Quran or making Dhikr
Why you should read quran