Starting today, ex-felons can register to vote in Florida
Registered to vote in Florida? Some of your data is public
Tuesday is last day to register to vote in Florida
Florida election deadline: What you need to know to vote in Florida primaries
Can you change your vote in Florida?
How to vote in Florida's primary election on Tuesday
1.4 Million Former Felons Can Now Vote In Florida – The Electorate Is Changing In A Good Way
Here's what you need to know before registering to vote in Florida
How to register to vote and check your status in Florida
Former felons can begin registering to vote in Florida
Felons in Florida Can Vote — If They Pay
Are you registered to vote for Florida's Presidential Primary?
Florida Primary Election Day: What you need to know before you vote
Your Vote In Florida Could Decide 2020 Election
Our Changing State Vote 24 - Now what? Looking ahead to Florida's general election
What you need to know in order to vote early in Florida
It’s the last day to register to vote, change party or address before Florida primary
This is what Florida residents should know before they vote
Duval County now being called a swing vote in the Florida count
How to register to vote in Florida