You CAN Still Get Animal Antibiotics WITHOUT a Prescription in 2024?!
Vet-Approved: 5 OTC Meds That Can Save Your Pet's Day
7 OTC Human Medications Safe and Effective for Dogs
How I Stock Antibiotics Over the Counter
Natural Antibiotics to PREVENT and TREAT Infection
Livestock antibiotics no longer over-the-counter
Antibiotic use in pets could give rise to superbugs
What's REALLY in Your Grocery Store Chicken?
What’s Veterinary Oversight of all OTC Antibiotics Mean to Livestock Producers?
7 New OTC Medications for Dogs
All animal antibiotics will be PRESCRIPTION ONLY starting June 2023!!! 1/1/23
FDA Is Taking Away Our Rights to Treat Livestock! Example of antibiotics affected by GFI 263:
FDA moves to curb antibiotic use in animals
7 OTC Human Medications Safe and Effective for Cats
OTC Animal Antibiotics Will Need A Prescription After June 11
Self-Medicating with Fish Antibiotics?
7 NEW OTC Medications for Cats
Emergency Antibiotic Kit by Jase Medical vs Fish Antibiotics. Prepare For Shortages.
FDA to require prescriptions for livestock antibiotics, aiming to stop drug-resistant bacteria
How to make Natural Antibiotics / anti-inflammatory in 5 minutes.