Pneumonia Explained
Bronchitis or Pneumonia; How to Tell the Difference
Bacterial Pneumonia Sem 222
What are Treatment Options for Pseudomonas Pneumonia in ICU? Is Palliative Care the Only Option?
Why can't my mother be extubated yet in ICU after a Pneumonia? Quick tip for families in ICU
How Long is My Loved One Going to Stay in Intensive Care with Pneumonia?
Syndromic Testing in Pneumonia and Sepsis
Molecular Diagnostics and PCT for Pneumonia and Antimicrobial Stewardship in the ICU
Holes in the Heart: Cardiotoxicity During Pneumonia
My Dad is Admitted in ICU Due to Pneumonia and Sepsis. How Do We Move Forward with my Dad’s Care?
PROSPECT: Probiotics to Prevent Severe Pneumonia & Endotracheal Colonization Trial -Dr. Deborah Cook
Aspiration Pneumonia in intensive care! Live stream!
My Husband Has Severe Pneumonia,Was Ventilated&Heavily Sedated in the ICU, Now He’s Confused
My Husband is in ICU with Covid Pneumonia for 7 days, How Can He Avoid a Tracheostomy? Live Stream!
Mom has Pneumonia and is ventilated in ICU!Will she cope being extubated and on BIPAP? (PART1)
Community Acquired Pneumonia - 7/18/23
Confronting the Challenges of Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Lung Disease
Lecture Series - Lung infections