Is prayer valid if we exceed 40 day limit of shaving armpit, pubic hair, cut nails etc Assimalhakeem
Can we use a trimmer to remove pubic hair and armpit hair? - Assim al hakeem
Is Bathing Permissible while Fasting?
Whats ruling on clipping nails and hair during fasting
Cutting nails, removing pubic & armpit hair before Friday prayer or before ihram? - Assim al hakeem
Trimming the beard to make it look "Presentable" - Assim al hakeem
Shaving / Removing body hair for both men and women - Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
Pubic Hair Removal - But What Parts? (anus, below navel, etc.)? assim al hakeem JAL
Can women remove facial hair (face, forehead etc) while avoiding the eyebrows? - Assim al hakeem
Underarm & Pubic hair removal at a salon for women by other women, what about laser treatment? Assim
When do i remove the unwanted hair when going to Umrah Dr Muhammad Salah #islamqa #fatwa #HUDATV
Is it prohibited to cut hair and nails on Tuesday and after maghrib? - Assim al hakeem
Can you shave your pubic hair in Ramadan?
Sadhguru: "This is why I never shave my beard"
Punishment for shaving the beard - Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
Does Leaving The Body Hair Without Shaving Affect The Prayer? #HUDATV
Can I remove pubic armpit hair during menses periods #DrMuhammadSalah #fatwa #islamqa #HUDATV
Derm reacts to HUGE ingrown hair! #dermreacts #doctorreacts #ingrownhair
is it a must to shave the pubic hair in 40 days Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem #hudatv