If you can Stay Conscious While falling asleep You'll be Enlightened -Sadhguru's Powerfull message
Stay conscious while your brain sleeps [preparation for ASTRAL PROJECTION]
Is it Possible to be Aware in Sleep? | Sadhguru Answers
200 IQ Man: "I’m Fully Conscious When I Sleep"
How To Remain Conscious While Sleep
Can you be awake and asleep at the same time? - Masako Tamaki
How Not to Fall Asleep During Meditation | Sadhguru
Where Is Consciousness During Deep Sleep?
What is Consciousness in Sleep?
Is it Possible to be Aware in Sleep Sadhguru Answers - Message From Sadhguru
Falling Asleep Consciously Will Do Wonders To Revitalize Your Body & Mind - Sadhguru | Life INSIGHTS
the impossibility of consciously experiencing the moment of falling asleep
Learn from buddha how to be aware while you sleep.
How to Fall Asleep: Turn off Worry and Insomnia With This Quick Skill
Remain Conscious While You Sleep
Why you feel a sense of panic when you drift off to sleep (or when you wake during the night)
Why do I fall asleep or lose consciousness when I meditate?
Sleep Paralysis - How to Stay Conscious During Visitations
how can we be aware in sleep? | How to be aware in sleep? | Sadhguru Answers | The Mystics
How to Practice Yoganidra (Conscious Sleep)?