A stop to straight ticket voting in Alabama
Alabama voting information for November general election
How To Vote In: Alabama
Election 2022: Straight ticket voting is no more. Here's why.
What to remember when voting straight ticket, and the importance of flipping over your ballot
Navigating the absentee ballot in Alabama - NBC 15 WPMI
The Democrat Beat: Here in Alabama, you can "spilt" your ticket.
What you might see on your ballot in Alabama
STRAIGHT TICKET VOTERS BEWARE: is your voice being silenced?
Alabama votes certified
Straight-party voting issue
Guidance for write-in votes in Alabama's special Senate election on Dec. 12
Breaking Down Alabama Voter Data
2020 Election: How to request an absentee ballot in Alabama
Voting straight ticket? You'll need to double-check your ballot
It's election day!
Absentee Voting Alabama
What Alabama counties voted for Donald Trump, and which cast their ballot for Biden?
Despite High Black Voter Turnout In AL, Voter Intimidation & Voter Suppression Efforts Were Reported
Election day concerns for voting in Alabama