Maternal mortality: Health professionals call for promotion of safe abortion | Citi Newsroom
Midday Live - Maternal Health Haemorrage,Largest Cause of Death - 7/4/2014
Maternal Mortality: Health authorities express concerns over the increasing cases of maternal deaths
Reducing Maternal and Infant Mortality in Ghana
Maternal mortality: Over 4,000 cases recorded across the country in the last five years
"Almost all maternal deaths are preventable!" - Nana Twum-Danso at "Health Meets Tech" 2016
Maternal mortality increasing at Tamale Teaching Hospital | Citi Newsroom
Maternal Health Program in Tanzania Decreases Mortality Rate | Bloomberg Philanthropies
Reducing Maternal Mortality, the Case of Northern Ghana
Reducing Maternal Mortality- The Pulse on JoyNews (21-10-19)
Solving Maternal and Infant Mortality in Africa
Session 6: Classification of Cause of Maternal Death ICD - MM - Part 1
Maternal Mortality - AM Talk on JoyNews (19-1-18)
Key Findings from the 2017 Ghana Maternal Health Survey
Why Did This Woman Die After Childbirth in Keta, Ghana? | Maternal Health Channel TV Series
Saving our dying mothers: Fate of Maternal Health Care in rural Ghana.
My Maternal Notes - Death of Mrs. Anastasia Wiredu-Mensah
Infant Mortality - AM Show on Joy News (14-3-17)
Black Maternal Mortality rates: Section 1 Cause of Maternal Mortality