Citing and referencing in the Chicago Style
Citing - How to Cite in Chicago/Turabian Style: A Three Minute Tutorial
Chicago Style Format bibliography set up
Write PERFECT Annotations for Your Annotated Bibliography
Introduction to Citation Styles: Chicago 17th Ed.
Chicago Style Annotated Bibliography Using Zotero
Formatting Your Bibliography in Turabian Style
Chicago Style Format (17th) - Manuscript, Footnotes & Endnotes
How to change font style in MS Word | Fonts Microsoft Word 2019 version| Lecture no: 04
Mastering Bibliography Formatting in Chicago Style
How to cite in Chicago style
Mastering Chicago Style: Notes-Bibliography System Overview
Chicago (Notes-Bibliography) Style: How to Cite eBooks
Chicago referencing: Bibliography
Create Chicago-style footnotes in MS Word
Chicago (Notes-Bibliography) Style: How to Cite Websites
Create Chicago-style footnotes in Google Docs
Format an Annotated Bibliography in APA 7th Edition (Beginners Guide)
Chicago Style Bibliography
What is an Annotated Bibliography?