Who’s who in the child protection system
LNP proposes strict Qld child safety policies
Amendments to the Child Protection Act 1999 (Qld)
Child protection information forum. Child protection - the basics.
4. Handling disclosures or suspicions of harm
An Introduction to the Child Protection Act 1999 (updated in December 2017)
Child protection in Queensland
Child safety officer reveals how the system failed Darcey and Chloe | ABC News
Explore a child safety officer career – Lucy’s story
400 Qld child safety officers needed
Former Queensland child protection officer jailed | 9 News Australia
Explore a child safety officer career
Child Protection Week 2017
Leading child safety expert calls for overhaul of Queensland's free Kindy program | 7 News Australia
Queensland Children and Parents Exploit Policy of 'No Child Left Behind' To Avoid Fare Payment
Qld child safety officers lack resources and are working under extreme pressure
Policies and procedures
Child protection ‘obviously not a priority’ for Queensland government
Explore a Child Safety Officer career - hear from our Director-General
Child Safety