Climate Change Adaptation for Scotland’s Historic Environment
Adapting to Climate Change. A Positive Legacy for Scotland’s historic environment.
Spotlight on CDP & Sniffer | Adaptation and Climate Change Reporting for Local Authorities
Combatting Scotland’s regional climate change challenges
Uist and Climate Change
Adapting to Climate Change with Anna Beswick and David Harkin | Scotland's Climate Assembly
CCF Gathering 2020 - Workshop 6 : Community-led adaptation in Scotland
How Do We Live With Climate Change? by Kate Crowley | Scotland's Climate Assembly
Climate Change and the Historic Environment
Adaptation Part 2: Public Bodies Climate Change Reports (EAUC Webinar)
Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee - 5 November 2019
Carbon Clever - Introducing Highland Adapts
Mitigating climate change through innovation in the UK water sector
Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee - 18 February 2020
North Highlands #2 Climate Mitigation
Assessing Climate Risk to Scottish Protected Areas
Climate Change Plan update | Q&A with Prof Dave Reay | Scotland's Climate Assembly
Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment Committee - Scottish Parliament: 30th October 2013
Climate Action Training | Climate Adaptation Festivals
Adaptation Part 1: Definitions, the process and getting started (EAUC Webinar)