過去 30 年間の EU の気候とエネルギー政策の進化 - ビデオ講義モジュール 1
Clash or Cooperation? The Chinese Climate Change Dilemma
Confronting the Climate Crisis: Prospects for the 2021 UN Climate Summit in Glasgow
Climate change challenges for criminal justice
Post-Kyoto Climate Governance: Confronting the Politics of Scale, Ideology and Knowledge
Dialogue on Social Security in the Climate Change Context
هل يتجه الكوكب نحو نهايته؟ حوار مع السفير وائل أبو المجد الممثل الخاص لرئيس قمة المناخ COP27
Webinar: Labour and Just Transition(s)
The Climate Fix by Roger A. Pielke Jr.: 9 Minute Summary
Lord Chris Smith - Creating a better place: protecting the environment and securing growth
The Developments in Climate and Trade Policy
Navigating uncertainty: Radical rethinking for a turbulent World
Making climate policy work
COP-21: Deploying Innovative Technologies for Climate Change (12/1)
Massachusetts Confronts Climate Change Panel
UChicago Davos 2015: The Future of Energy & Climate Change in Emerging Economies; Michael Greenstone
Research seminar series, Semester 2 2016, Peter Christoff
OHRLLS, ITC: Climate finance and trade to build resilience to climate change
気候変動 - 経済学と政策: ヤン・リビッチ博士によるインタビューを受けたフランク・ヨッツォ教授