Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of radiotherapy for lung cancer in Australia
An Evidence Based Approach to CADTH’s Cost-Effectiveness Threshold
Cost Effectiveness Analysis: An Introduction
HTAsiaLink Webinar 1 | Cost-effectiveness Thresholds and Decision-making in Healthcare
Perspectives on the cost effectiveness threshold in health care for the United States: Webinar 3
Perspectives on the cost effectiveness threshold in health care for the United States: Webinar 5
Estimating Cost Effectiveness Thresholds for Canadian Provinces
Perspectives on the cost effectiveness threshold in health care for the United States: Webinar 4
Perspectives on the cost effectiveness threshold in health care for the United States: Webinar 1
iHEA Monday Session 5 Cost Effectiveness Thresholds
NERVE LECTURE 'Cost Effectiveness in Otology' Peter Dixon, MD, MUSC (8/19/2024)
Thresholds for the Cost–Effectiveness of Interventions: Alternative Approaches
Joyce Huei-Jiuan Wu – The impact and cost-effectiveness of simplified HCV diagnosis
Price Threshold Analysis (live webinar recording)
Estimation of the Cost-Effectiveness Threshold: Experiences from Latin America
Prof. Michael Barry – The cost-effectiveness of personalised medicine
IHME | Global Health Metrics & Evaluation Conference | Cost of Care
A cost-effectiveness calculator for long-term peer recovery support services for substance use & ...
Health economics and cost effectiveness of screening:a powerful advocacy argument for implementation
John Paul Caesar Delos Trinos – Cost-effectiveness of mass drug administration for intestinal worms