Health Economic Evaluation Basics - Putting a price tag on health -
An Evidence Based Approach to CADTH’s Cost-Effectiveness Threshold
Methods for Estimating the Cost Effectiveness Threshold for NICE and the NHS
Methods for Estimating the Cost-Effectiveness Threshold
Theoretical Foundations of Cost Effectiveness Analysis
Estimating Cost Effectiveness Thresholds for Canadian Provinces
Thresholds for the Cost–Effectiveness of Interventions: Alternative Approaches
Pt 4: Cost-effectiveness Analysis | Introduction to Economic Evaluation
HTAsiaLink Webinar 1 | Cost-effectiveness Thresholds and Decision-making in Healthcare
19 CostEffectiveness
Estimation of the Cost-Effectiveness Threshold: Experiences from Latin America
Cost-effectiveness analysis
E9562 Intro to Health Economics (part 4)
ICER and Cost-Effective Health Care
Argument for cost-effectiveness in healthcare (UK's NICE) based (Chandra & Skinner)
Perspectives on the cost effectiveness threshold in health care for the United States: Webinar 3
The Cost Effectiveness Acceptability Curve: An Introduction
Webinar: Introduction to the Analysis of Cost Effectiveness Data
iHEA Monday Session 5 Cost Effectiveness Thresholds
Week 9 Video 2: Cost effectiveness, ICER and ACER