HTAsiaLink Webinar 1 | Cost-effectiveness Thresholds and Decision-making in Healthcare
iHEA Monday Session 5 Cost Effectiveness Thresholds
Price Threshold Analysis (live webinar recording)
PMGR: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Cost-Effectiveness but Were Afraid of Being Bored
Methods for Estimating the Cost-Effectiveness Threshold
費用対効果分析 - ENGR 222 (2020 年 10 月 23 日) クラス 26
Introduction to health economics
Pricing Healthcare - Economic evaluation in practice in Ireland and the UK
Why is it so hard to escape poverty? - Ann-Helén Bay
持続可能性レポート: 過去、現在、そして将来の傾向
CARTA: マーク・モフェット、チャールズ・ケネル、マーティン・リースによる人新世の過去、現在、未来
Countries are struggling to contain inflation, but not Switzerland. Here's why
The Cost of U.S. Healthcare
VAF ウェビナー
Effective Altruism | Adriano Mannino | Talks at Google
Advancing a Global Population Sciences Agenda - UCSF Global Health Research Symposium
CARTA: 人新世の過去、現在、未来 w/ V. ラマナサン、ナンシー ノールトン、ジョナ ウェスタン
Pt 3: Introduction to Health Utilities and QALYs | Introduction to Economic Evaluation
“The future of China’s economy" by Bert Hofman
What Really Sparked the BIG BANG?