How the Cybercrimes Act will function
Cybercrime and South Africa: An Introspective Look
The Cybercrimes Bill is officially law in South Africa
"The South African cyber security legal and regulatory landscape in 5 minutes."
Cybercrime Bill | Bill passed by cabinet
Brian Dube on Cyber Crimes and Cyber Security Bill
Cybercrime and Cybersecurity Bill to pursue culprits
Cyber crime is on the rise in SA: SABRIC
The effectiveness of South Africa’s Cyber Crimes Act
Michalsons | The Practical Impact of the Cybercrimes Act
Panel Discussion Is SA cyber and cyber crime legislation aligned to the changing landscape
POPIA, Cybercrimes Act, and the Future of Information Security
Cyber crime | Legislation to protect phishing attacks
Cybercrimes hailed as a game changer in the SA context - how will the law impact everyday people?
Be in the know: The Cybercrimes Bill - Adv. Jacqueline Fick
An Overview of South Africa Cyberlaw
What is the Cybersecurity Act of South Africa and how does it affect businesses
Discussing inclusion of cybercrimes into SA law
Cybercrime in SA | 'Personal info data breaches rife in SA'