Data Management and Ethics
N8 CIR Research Data Management Network Launch - Chris Gibson
MaDAM: A Data Management Infrastructure for Biomedical Researchers at the University of Manchester
UCISA CISG Research & Management Services at the University of Manchester Mary McDerby
WolfWorks - Research data management 15022025
Introduction to the Research Plan
Meet the Graduates: Data Science & Analysis
Needle in the Haystack: where is my institution’s data?: monitor & report research data
JISC Managing Research Data Programme
Know Moore About Research Data Management
DMPonline drop-in September 2020
RDMF21 Day 2
Office for Open Research launch event (4 April 2022) - The University of Manchester
FAIRsFAIR - Training the trainers: Data Management and FAIR data principles in university curricula
N8 CIR Research Data Management Network Launch - Danielle Owen
Research Data Management Policies the tale of one institute’s journey to ratification – Mary McDerb
OLS Nebula-2, Session 6: Data for Open Science - Data Management Plans
How Pure Institutions Save Time in Tracking Research Data with Data Monitor | #PRCN2023
WS22 Health research data management: Why and how
DMPonline drop-in session August 2020