Vet • definition of VET
🔵 Vet の意味、Vet の説明、Vet の語彙 CPE IELTS CAE イギリス英語の発音
What Does "Vet" ACTUALLY Mean?
VET - 意味と発音
What is the meaning of the word VET?
獣医 |獣医 📖 📖 📖 の意味
Vet | meaning of Vet
Case Based Learning | University of Bristol
What is Vet short for?
✔️ How to Pronounce Vet and What is the Meaning of Vet? By Video Dictionary
What is VET
[n] Vet(=veterinarian) meaning (animal doctor) with 5 examples
Vet Meaning
vet: Pronounce vet with Meaning, Phonetic, Synonyms and Sentence Examples
Definition of the word "Vet"
VET - Definition, pronunciation, grammar, meaning - Practice grade 7 vocabulary
Vet Meaning In English
Pronunciation of 'WET' & 'VET' with meaning & Examples