What is a Tragic Hero?
What makes a hero? - Matthew Winkler
Heroism and the Literary Concept of the Hero: A Conclusion
An anti-hero of one's own - Tim Adams
Howard Roark and the Great Heroes of Literature by Andy Bernstein
Losers and Tragic Heroes
What is Anti-hero ? : Short Note : Literary Term
Heroism | Definition of heroism 📖
The Hero's Journey according to Joseph Campbell - video by Matthew Winkler and Kirill Yeretsky
Heroism • HEROISM meaning
Why tragedies are alluring - David E. Rivas
Heroism and the Hero
Heroes in Literature (VW Week 6)
Hero Types
Why Antiheroes aren't Villains
The Psychology Of The Anti-Hero
Anti-Heroes: What Makes Them Different? - Troped!
A Hero Like You | A story about everyday heros
Analysing Macbeth as a Tragic Hero | Grade 9 GCSE English Literature
Anti Hero | Anti Hero in English Literature | Anti Hero Explain in Hindi