How to Delete Files with a Specific Extension Using PowerShell
PowerShell delete files older than extension
Powershell to delete all files with a certain file extension
Powershell to delete all files with a certain file extension (6 Solutions!!)
Remove item or files with PowerShell various methods
PowerShell - Remove or Replace Patterns in Files
PowerShell! Deleting Items
Delete files using PowerShell
Fix Error Code 0x8007003B Something Went Wrong On Microsoft Store/Xbox App On PC
Use PowerShell to delete files and folders in Windows 10
Delete Files with Path via PowerShell
How to Delete Files or Folders With PowerShell in Windows | Easiest Way to Delete Files!
Copy, Move and Delete files with PowerShell
Delete files with specific date and time with PowerShell
Delete "x" days older files from folder (bonus in the end) | Powershell & Batch-File | Tech Tip
Use PowerShell to Delete a File or Folder. Bypass the Recycle Bin.
Copy, Move, Delete files with PowerShell
Delete file with powershell first 2 characters of the file name are the same
How to Delete / Remove Files using Powershell in Windows 10 | Definite Solutions
Delete files & folders using Windows 10 PowerShell