Descriptive Statistics all Commands in STATA | Road to PhD
Descriptive statistics in Stata®
New in Stata 18: Creating and exporting tables of descriptive statistics
Using Stata Creating a Table of Descriptive Statistics
Statistics Made Easy 4.2: Descriptive Statistics in Stata
#StataTutorial : How to calculate descriptive statistics in STATA? #summarize #StataForBeginners
STATA for beginners course: Stats basics, creating variables, data entry, descriptive stats
How to Write Stata Command | Stata Command Syntax |The Data Hall
Introductory Stata 56: Panel Data Descriptive Statistics (xtdescribe, xtsum, xttab)
Descriptive Statistics and Graphs for Categorical Variables | Stata Tutorial
Data management: How to label the values of categorical variables
Reporting summary statistics in Stata using outreg2 command
Stata Lecture 11: The Bysort command
Tabulate, Summarize command in STATA
How to use STATA to perform Descriptive analysis, Chi test, and Logistic regression |Lets analyze
Stata Basics 1: Summary Statistics (English version)--summarize, tabulate, tabstat, etc
Descriptive statistics in Stata
How to Use the By Command in Stata
STATA summarize command: indepth tutorial
Summary Statistics in Stata: Analyze Data Like a Pro