Ep 2/8 Does Coffee Deter Slugs and Snails? Can it Protect Your vegetables *Slug barrier tests*
Slug Wars Trilogy pt. 1 - Coffee Grounds vs Slugs
Do coffee grounds kill slugs
Comparing slug control methods: Coffee, Eggshells, Paprika, Diatomaceous earth
Coffee, the best Slug Repellent!!
Get rid of snails & slugs with coffee 1!
My Accidental Discovery Of All Natural Garden Slug Repellent Coffee Grounds
How to Stop Slugs Eating Your Plants (100% Organic)
Are Coffee Grounds Good For Plants?
Slug Wars Trilogy pt. II - Diatomaceous Earth vs Slugs
Get rid of snails & slugs with coffee 2!
Don't Forget This Critical Ingredient When Composting With Coffee Grounds
How to Control Slugs with Coffee - Growing Vegetables on a Budget
Deter snails with coffee granules
What Happens When You Use Coffee Grounds in the Garden?
Can Coffee Grounds Naturally Deter Pests? - The Plant Enthusiast
Beer, Slugs, and Coffee (my theory and results)
The Ultimate Chemical Free Slug & Snail Garden Trap: 2 Clay Pots Equals Crazy Results!
I use coffee grounds to stop/trap snail and ant| coffee grounds on garden pest (experiment)
10 Best & Cheap Ways to Get Rid of Slugs in Your Garden