Magnets for Kids | What is a magnet, and how does it work?
What metals will stick to a magnet?
Giant Neodymium Monster Magnet vs Blood! It's Attracted!
Electrostatic Gold Magnet Attracts Non-Ferrous Metals
Science & Environmental Facts : Why Does a Magnet Attract Iron?
Exotic Elements vs. Magnet | Platinum Group! | Part 5/7
Poles of a Magnet
How Magnet is Made
Went metal Detecting with a few friends ( and saved a bird)!!!!!
A magnet that attracts aluminum and copper
How to use a pocket magnet to test gold
Fun with Magnets - Materials attracted by a Magnet? | Don't Memorise
Copper repels magnet, but how?
Does magnet attract Aluminium?
How to Find Metal on the Beach with a Simple Magnet 🧲
World's Strongest Magnet!
Amazing Discovery With Magnets - The Inverter Magnet
Magnet Attracts Objects
How A Magnet Works 🤔
Magnet Types and How They Work | Primary School Science Animation