Welcome to Portland | City Nicknames
How Oregon got its name | What's in a name?
Where we live: How Portland got its name
What was Portland, Oregon, almost named instead? #Answer
Explore Portland for $100
Oregon for Kids | US States Learning Video
Portland Overview | An informative introduction to Portland, Oregon
Best Things to Do in Portland, Oregon
Oregon was nicknamed the Beaver State
14 BEST Things To Do In Portland, Oregon
How The Portland Trail Blazers Got The Nickname Rip City
Why Portland is called Rip City?
All United States RANKED by Nickname. Where did your state rank? Part 1
Portland Is STABTOWN
10 BEST Things To Do In Portland | Portland Travel Guide
Why is Portland a rip city?
5 FREE THINGS TO DO IN PORTLAND! | Travel guide for Portland, Oregon
The BEST day in Portland (According to artificial intelligence)
How Babies Are Named | Preacher Lawson
Why is Portland Rip City?