VERIFY: Are Starbucks cups recyclable?
McDonald’s and Starbucks Are Developing Reusable Plastic Cups
Starbucks to ditch disposable cups to start reusable cup program
Where does your plastic Starbucks cup end up when it's recycled? | KCAL Investigates
Starbucks plastic cup investigation shows recycling reality
Starbucks wants to overhaul its iconic cup
Starbucks launches reusable cups plan
Confusion over plastic Starbucks cups raises concerns over recycling
Seoul City, together with Starbucks Korea test installs 'disposable cup collection boxes'
VERIFY: Can you recycle Starbucks cups?
Starbucks looks to overhaul its iconic cup to cut waste
Can you recycle Starbucks cups?
Starbucks promotes recycling to customers but many plastic cups end up in the trash
What happens to Starbucks cups once you toss them out?
CBS News investigation finds some Starbucks cups placed in recycling bins end up in landfills
Where do Starbucks' plastic cups end up?
New Starbucks store in Tokyo aims to reduce waste
Cups thrown in Starbucks recycling bin tracked to incinerators
CBS News Investigates finds Starbucks struggling to recycle plastic cups
Starbucks looks to phase out disposable cups