Person of Interest - Reese meets Bear
Person Of Interest You Shouldn't Have Done That (Season 3 Episode 4)
Person of Interest || "We`ll call him Bear!"
Canine of Interest - Lovable Bear The Dog on Person of Interest
Person of Interest - Dog scene
Person of Interest | Bear
Person of Interest : Shaw's alone time with Bear
Person of Interest: Bear's Bath
Person of Interest - 3x21 Clip | Shop Scene (HD)
Shaw X Bear Tribute || "I'm just here for the dog" .
Person Of Interest Reese in God Mode
Person of Interest (3x03): Shaw, Zoe, Joss and their guns
"Have You Guys Taken a Safety Course?" (Person of Interest)(1 x 1)
Person of Interest - Subway Scene (Season 1 Episode 1)
Shaw saves Fusco's Son
Person Of Interest: New Equipment
"What happens if you miss?" (Person of Interest)(1 x 8)
Shaw meets John (Person of interest)(2 x 16)
Person Of Interest - US Marshall Scene
Person of Interest Episode 5 - Judgement - Final Scene