Change wing tribute 8 -13- 16
Barf and Belch tribute Riders of Berk part 2 6 -16- 21
Whispering death sounds 9 -13 -20
Changewing Sounds 9 -15- 20
Whispering Death tribute Riders Of Berk/ Defenders of Berk 8 -15- 16
All of the dragons of Riders of Berk/ Defenders Of Berk 8 -2- 16
Hookfang and Nala crossover part (1 )10- 16 -16
How To Train Your Dragon 4 facts 9 -24- 20
Dawn Of The Dragon Riders fanmade trailer 7 -21 -17
Hiccup and Screaming death not one of us 2- 5 -17
Death song sounds 9- 12- 20
How to Train Your Dragon Toothless angry scenes part (1) 1 -20- 17 to 1 -21 -17
Hookfang and Nala crossover part (2) 11 -19 -20
Simba's Dad and Hiccup's dad crossover 7- 30 -18
How to Train Your Dragon Dragon kisses part (1) 1 -14 -17
Stromfly tribute Riders of Berk 7- 2 -16
Skullcrusher sounds 9 -9- 20
Riders of Berk Fanmade Trailer 5- 27- 17
Whispering Death Colors 6 -8 -20
Hiccup and Whispering Death Drag Me Down 2- 6- 17