Understanding your work health and safety responsibilities
Duties & Responsibilities
The duties of a health & safety committee - explained
Health and Safety Awareness in the Workplace
Duty of Employers to their Employees Part 1. Occupational Health and Safety Act
Employees' Responsibilities at work
Safety Representatives in the Workplace
Introduction to Occupational Safety & Health (OSH) in Malaysia
What Are the Legal Requirements For Health and Safety in the Workplace?
Employee Safety and Health
Health & Safety in Offices | Human Focus
Safety Officer - roles and responsibilities - Safety Training
Employee & Employer Health and Safety Responsibilities
Consultation - an employer's responsibility
Duty of Employers to their Employees Part 2 Occupational Health and Safety Act
WHS - Your Legal Duties as an Employee
Responsibility of an Employer for Workers Health & Safety.
Day in the Life of a Workplace Health and Safety Specialist (WHSS)
HR Basics: Employee Safety and Health