From Open Strings to the 12th Fret. Learn the Major Scale in Three Convenient Positions.
E Pentatonic Minor Scale - at the 12th Fret
How to Play an E Pentatonic Minor Guitar Scale 12th Fret
Playing Above the 12th Fret | Beginner Guitar Tips
3 Octave Eminor Scale @ 12th Fret
Every E Major scale pattern - with finger placements, notes, and scale tones
E minor Pentatonic scale in open position and at the 12th fret
The challenge of playing above the 12th fret.
PLAY THE BLUES IN ANY KEY w/ Scales, Chords, Endings + more (Bluesday Tuesday #5) Downloadable Tabs
E Major Scale Pattern Exercise for Guitar
#6 - Easy Beginner 12 Fret Run/ Riff in the Key of E Major - Acoustic Guitar Lesson 
12 Fret Blues Soloing in E
Guitar Basics - vol. 1- All notes on the E string to the 12th fret
E Minor Scale on 12th fret
E blues scale position 1 12th fret
"E Major scale in fret No.12 |E string"
Guitar Fretboard Notes: Repetition at 12th Fret
Guitar Riffs Lesson -Using E Major Scale to Write Creative Riffs: Fret Success Online Guitar Lessons
E minor interlocked to 12th fret