Pokémon All Type Weakness Explained
Pokémon Type Matchups Explained
What is the Best Electric Type Pokemon?
Cool Grass Trick on Pokémon Emerald
All Pokemon ELECTRIC TYPE (Gen 3)
How to make Shedinja Invincible
Every Pokemon Type Matchup Explained
Fastest Way to Level Up in Pokemon Emerald!
Kid Steals My INVINCIBLE SHEDINJA Strategy, but I had the perfect counter...
Electric Shock Showdown: Conquering the 3rd Gym | Pokemon Emerald Coachlocke Pt #8
5 FACTS about the Electric Type! #shorts
A Lv 1 Rattata can beat a Lv 100 Mewtwo. Here's How.
The Only Pokémon to Have Three 4x Weaknesses
This Pokemon Gets "WEAKER" After Evolving
This Strategy is Unbeatable (If you're lucky.)
Top 10 STRONGEST Electric Type Pokemon | NO LEGENDARIES
This is the best play ever made
Why Pokemon's Newest Type is a Total Failure