C-TRAN board balks at potential Interstate Bridge light rail costs
Construction of High-Speed Rail as new report shows higher price tag
Why is Light Rail Construction So Expensive?
Very Light Rail, Elevated Mass Transportation Network
New High-Speed Rail Plan Cost At $18.3 Billion, With Completion Date Of 2028
Why Is Building Transit So Expensive?
The Problem With American Light Rail
How California Incinerated $100 Billion
Why High Speed Rail Construction in California Is Taking So Long
Why Did This Mega-Project Cost So Little? | Montreal's REM Explained
Why California’s High-Speed Rail Is Taking So Long
Why aren’t we doing an all-Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) plan, which has lower per mile capital costs?
Save $500 million by building a train?! Here’s the math
Orbital Light Rail - the Hottest Trend in Transit?
Milwaukie Light Rail: The Cost of Building It.mov
Some question if cost of high-speed rail outweighs benefit
Hawaii rail could cost taxpayers $54 per passenger
The Future of Pennsylvania High-Speed Rail?
Bringing Rail Back to Earth - Cutting Elevated Costs with the Honolulu Transit Task Force
Global Best Practices for Cutting the Cost of Building High Speed Rail