Rèqíng 热情 Enthusiastic - Chinese Word of the Day 每日一词
热情 vs 热烈 | 'enthusiastic' vs 'intense' | Topics in Chinese Linguistics | CZH301
热情(enthusiastic, passionate) | hsk 3 Chinese language vocabulary
How To Say 'Enthusiastic' (热心) in Mandarin Chinese
Chinese HSK 5 vocabulary 热心 (rèxīn), ex.1, www.hsk.tips
The people living in the hutong are very enthusiastic!
Enthusiastic (兴致勃勃) | S3E155 | OWAD Learning Mandarin Chinese
Enthusiastic Pronunciation | Enthusiasm Pronunciation | Shorts | Zulfiqar Mohammadi | ZMohammadi
熱狂的な の発音の仕方
enthusiAstic | enTHUsiastic | 重音位置 | 熱心 | 熱情 | 熱衷 | 熱愛 | 廣東話學英文 | 英文讀音 | 英文生字 | 熱心、熱情、熱衷、熱愛嘅英文點讀呢?
美国的enthusiastic原来和踏实肯干的中国工业合作社(工合)有关系!快来一起涨知识吧 看视频学英语
meaning and how to pronounce Enthusiastic | U Vocab
200 HSK2 series 2 common Chinese sentences examples practices-learn mandarin-spoken Chinese free
Enthusiast の発音の仕方
How to pronounce bachelor? What does bachelor mean in Chinese? bachelor的讀音和釋義?翻譯成中文漢語是什麼意思?“單身漢,學士”
How to pronounce Enthusiastic
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