Why you SHOULD be USING Custom Number Formatting in Excel
Four SMART Ways to use Custom Formatting instead of Conditional Formatting in Excel - Part 1
Excel Custom Number Formats using Conditions - Emojis, Scaling & Colors
Using If then statement to change cell fill color (sort of)
Custom Formatting In Excel, Numbers In Thousands And Millions
Conditional Formatting Based on Specific Text in Microsoft Excel! Format Good as Green. #howto #wow
Color Coded Drop Down List in Excel‼️ #excel
Excel VBA Custom number formats: Text Codes, Font Color, Four Sections & Specifying Conditions
Conditional Formatting Formulas - Mystery Solved with 3 Simple Rules
How to Automatically Color Code Specific Words or Phrases in Excel
Unusual use of Excel's Custom Number Formatting with Conditions & Symbols (Part 2)
Excel Conditional Formatting with Formula | Highlight Rows based on a cell value
How to Change the Font Color Based on Cell Value in Excel
How To Apply Conditional Formatting To Shapes In Excel
Excel Trick - How to Change Font Colour Automatically Based on Value
How to Color the Drop Down List in Excel
Master Conditional Formatting in Excel (The CORRECT Way)
Conditional Formatting in Excel - Formatting - Specific Text Rule