Automatically Find First and Last Working Day in Month
Excel VBA Basics #25 Extract the DAY, WEEKDAY, MONTH, YEAR from a date. How to use DateSerial
Excel VBA Basics #23 DATEADD - Add or Subtract Minutes, Months, Weekdays, Seconds whatever!!
VBA Define the date with day, month and year
Excel VBA Introduction Part 55.1 - Working with Dates
2 Ways To Get Number Of Days In Month
How To Extract Year Month Day from Date in Excel VBA
VBA UDF to get # of Days In Month - 38+ hours of FREE training!
Add a sheet tab for Every Day of the Month
Excel VBA Calculate Remaining Months and Days Between Two Dates
Split the Date in Month, Day, Year in Excel using VBA
Calculating Days between Dates using DTPicker Control in Excel VBA
Creating Excel's EOMONTH Function in Microsoft Access VBA: Date Manipulation Made Easy
Calculating Days between Two Dates with MonthView Control in Excel VBA
Excel VBA - Dates
Fill Working days in a month dynamically - Microsoft Excel
Excel Formula to List First Monday in each Month
🤯 This ONE Excel Formula Makes a Full Month's Calendar (No VBA!)
Easily Return the First Day of the Month From a Date - Excel
Auto schedule for specific days of the month with code