Excel Magic Trick 977: Lookup First Non Empty Cell In A Range, Lookup Last Number In A Range
Excel 2007: Determining the first and last value in a column
Excel VBA Select First visible cell
Excel VBA Find First and Last Match in Column
Excel Magic Trick 696: Identify First Occurrence In Column (5 methods)
How to use VBA to search for a value on a Worksheet
Excel Magic Trick 365: Return First Non-Blank (Not An Array Formula)
Excel Magic Trick 363: Return Cell Address of First Non-Blank
Excel - Find Last Non-Blank Cell Value, Row or Column
Lookup the Last Value in a Column or Row in Excel | Get the Value in the Last Non-Empty Cell
Find The First Empty Cell In Column A | Microsoft Excel Tutorial
Excel How To Get the Last Row and Last Column Value with TAKE
How to get the Last Row in VBA(The Right Way!)
Excel Pro Tip: How to Easily Extract Numbers from Cells
Excel Tutorial - How To Find First & Last Row & Column Containing Data In Spreadsheet
Get first word or get LEFT word in Excel - 2 Minute Excel Formula
Formula To Check if a Cell Value Exists in Another Column (Excel, Libre Office Calc, Google Sheet)
Find the Last Row, Column, or Cell in Excel VBA with the Range.Find Method (Part 2 of 3)
How to get the last cell value in a column using Excel formula | MS Excel Tutorial
How to Identify First Occurrence of a Value in Excel (using COUNTIF)