How to get year value from date in Oracle
How to Extract Year from Date in Oracle SQL
How To Extract YEAR, MONTH, DAY From A Date Column In MS SQL Server
Extracting Month and Year from Date in Oracle
ORACLE: How to extract YEAR from date ?
SQL : Extract month and year from date in oracle
How to Extract the Month from a Date in Oracle SQL
ORACLE: How to extract MONTH from DATE ?
How to Get Month Name from a Date in Oracle Database
Oracle SQL Practical question | SQL to Get all dates for the given input month and year | date range
Working with Dates - Oracle SQL
ORACLE: How to get FIRST and LAST DAY of Month ?
ORACLE SQL Tutorial to get Years of Experience
Oracle Tutorial Date Function - 2
ORACLE: How to extract DAY from DATE ?
Just know How Months Between Function works in Oracle - Cool videos #monthsbetweenfunction
How to use DATEs, TIMESTAMPs, and INTERVALs in Oracle Database
Querying Dates in Oracle
Oracle Tutorial - Date Functions MONTHS_BETWEEN | ADD_MONTHS