A VERY helpful definition of abuse.
Abuse: What Does God Say? To the Abused // Mike Novotny // Time of Grace
Defining Spiritual Abuse and the Role of Power
Religious Trauma: Power, Control, and Spiritual Abuse
Defining Religious Abuse and Power Differential
Overview of Spiritual Or Religious Abuse: Definition of Terms
A Psychologist explains Spiritual Abuse and Trauma
Spiritual Abuse - Part 1/4 - Causes and Healing
Elder Christofferson | Burying Rebellious Weapons, Defending Faith (Are YOU Ready?)
Spiritual Abuse and how to identify it
Safeguarding Bitesize Child Abuse Linked to Faith or Belief
Abuse In The Church with Jay Medenwaldt
Understanding Spiritual Abuse (And 5 Healing Strategies)
God's Definition of Abuse
The One Thing That Defines Spiritual Abuse-With Connie Baker
Definition of Spiritual Abuse #bigquestions
Is religion child abuse? | Lyuben-Bulgaria | The Atheist Experience 685
What is Religious Trauma, Religious Trauma Syndrome (RTS) and spiritual abuse?
Spiritual Abuse: Narcissists with a God Complex