Should customer service be 100% automated?
Fiery Spot Pro demo: sharing spot color swatches
Fiery Tech training
World of Fiery – Recipe for VDP: A primer for creating successful campaigns
Server Snaps at Fussy Drive-Through Customer
World of Fiery Shorts: How to create a successful VDP campaign
EFI カスタマー ポータル - ケースを記録する ガイド HD
World of Fiery shorts – Key steps for successful color management
World of Fiery: Foolproof Preparation of a Digital Print Job
Angry Customer Confronts Phone-Distracted Cashier | Customer Wars | A&E
World of Fiery ウェビナー: Fiery Command WorkStation 6.4 を使用して、ハードではなく迅速に作業しましょう
Customer service at a bookstore
The angry customer isn't always right! Tips on how to deal with a fiery client.
World of Fiery Webinar - Real Examples of Fiery Automation
World of Fiery – デジタル印刷システム向けの高度なカラー管理
Fiery Service Log
Fiery the sales rep
Modern Litho's Winning Submission to EFI's 2012 Connect Video Contest