What new Florida residents should know about having ID to register to vote amid appointment backlog
Registered to vote in Florida? Some of your data is public
The Do's and Don'ts of Voting in Florida | NowThis
Flurry of voter registration forms confuse Florida residents
How to register to vote and check your status in Florida
Florida Already Has Voter-ID Laws & Backup Paper Ballots That President Trump Called For
Here's what you need to know before registering to vote in Florida
Florida primary election day: What you need to bring to the polls
Florida's new online voter registration on schedule
Field Hearing: Voting Rights and Election Administration in Florida (Event ID=109401)
How to Vote in Florida
Tuesday is last day to register to vote in Florida
Florida gov signs GOP voting law critics call ‘un-American’
Today is the last day to register to vote in Florida
Florida voter registration deadline fast approaching
What you need to know about voting in the 2020 Florida primary
Facts vs. Rumor: Florida ID Laws, Absentee Ballots, Provisional Ballots
Early Voting Underway for Florida Primary
Florida election deadline: What you need to know to vote in Florida primaries