Is Your Legal Business Name Different From Your Brand Name?
The difference between business legal names and trade names
What is the legal name of a business?
Business Names - Tips from a Lawyer when naming your business :: Argon Law Sunshine Coast
Make sure you sue the RIGHT business Legal Entity Name
Identity Crisis: The Legal Battle of Similar Business Names
Is your business name a legal risk?
Start-Up Legal 101 - Part 4: Trademark Registration Continued - Business Names and Signs in Quebec
Quick Question: What's the Difference Between a Business' Legal Entity and Operating Name
register your business with a legal business name
Business Name - How To Pick One From A Legal Perspective
DON'T Name Your Business After Yourself! Picking A STRONG, LEGAL Business Name (AITCR Ep. 2)
LEGAL TIPS | Picking a Business name with Trademark in mind!
Company Names and name change - ACCA Corporate and Business Law (LW) (ENG) (GLO)
Shopify: How to Update the Legal Name of the Company or Business