How to delete both a remote and local Git branch
How do I delete a Git branch locally and remotely
How to Delete Git Branch Locally and Remotely
git remove branch
Git Branch Delete Local Example
How do I delete a Git branch locally and remotely - Git Q&A 2
Efficiently Remove Git Branches with git branch -d and git push origin --delete
Delete git branch from local & remote
How to Remove & Delete a Local Git Repository
How To Delete All Past Commits in a Git Branch (Short and Sweet!)
How to UNDO / REVERT a PUSHED COMMIT in GIT - 2 Ways - Which One Suits Your Needs?
git: main vs. origin/main (beginner - intermediate) anthony explains #319
Git - How to delete a branch locally and remotely
GIT Remote branch Deletion with Command Line | Beginners | Automation | GIT Tutorial
how to delete local and remote branches using git
Git Delete Remote Branch: How do I delete a Git branch locally and remotely?
11 | Delete recent commits from any git branch locally and remotely | By Hardik patel
#12 - Git & Github | How to Delete Remote branch
40. Remote Tracking Branches. Difference between local branch and the origin remote branch - GIT
Pulling & Fetching Changes from a Remote [Learn Git Video Course]