Git | working directory | staging area | repository. Differences.
How Git Works: Explained in 4 Minutes
Staging Area - Beginning Git -
What are Staged Changes in Git?
Git Fundamentals: Staging area, repository, working directory, file states, and commits tutorial.
Git & GitHub Tutorial for Beginners #5 - Staging files
Staging area — meaning of STAGING AREA
Part 22: How to push the project into GitHub ? | Work with Git and GitHub
Tracking and Staging your Files - Git Basics
How to add changes to staging area | Git add command
I want to remove files from staging area of GIT | GIT Questions
Git & GitHub For Absolute Beginners[4/14]-Staging Area
Git Index (Staging area)
Workspace And Staging Area In Git | GitHub Tutorial | DevOps Tutorial | Coding Knowledge
5. git staging area | git staging area explained | git stage real time interview
Index / Staging Area - #Git Tutorial for Absolute Beginners from Zero to Hero - Part 11
Why is knowing working directory and staging area in Git so important?
Staging Secrets: Mastering Git's Staging Area
069 Viewing and Comparing changes Git Staging area vs Commit area Lab
How to view difference between working copy and staging area in git