7つのシチュエーションで日本語の「こんにちは」! (コンニチワではありません)
Formal vs casual 🇯🇵basic greetings
Formal vs Casual🇯🇵 Osushi🍣
(Keigo, formal Japanese lesson) Must-know phrases for business call: "I understand" & "that's right"
70 Useful Japanese Phrases at Restaurant (formal)
10 Essential Words that Expands Your Cultural Understanding of Formal & Informal speech in Japanese
100 Japanese phrases you must know|Formal & Casual
"Are you tired?(formal)" in Japanese: つかれました?
How to say goodnight in Japanese? - Casual and formal
流暢になる方法 / 日本での生活について / 正式な日本語 VS カジュアルな日本語 (日本語/英語字幕)
Learn Japanese - 300 Japanese Basic Phrases for Beginners (Formal ver.)
日本語で「ですますます」とは何ですか? (丁寧/フォーマル/敬意/敬語/敬語)
Informal Japanese vs Formal Japanese: Do you know the difference?
【Formal & Casual Japanese】「すきな たべものは なんですか?」 "What is your favorite food?" Conversation practice #2
20 Useful Formal Japanese Phrases at Work!
日本語のBY THE WAY - フォーマル&スラング│The Native Way
STOP USING Textbook Japanese!! | Paraphrase to Formal and Casual way of REAL JAPANESE^^
Self- introduction in Japanese/How to introduce yourself in a formal and casual way in Japanese
教師 kyoushi teacher, instructor formal