A Sudoku Secret to Blow Your Mind - Numberphile
X-Wings and the Rectangle Rule for Solving Medium to Hard Sudoku Puzzles
A Sudoku With Only 4 Given Digits?!
In which I solve an EXTREME SUDOKU for Twitter
The Sudoku With Only 2 Given Digits
A Sudoku Of The Highest Quali-T !
How To Do Hard Sudokus In 10 Minutes
Crack Hard Sudoku Puzzles With the Skyscraper Pattern
Sudoku falling into an unusual kind of line.
Five Given Digits in this Sudoku
The Most Mathematical Sudoku - Numberphile
Triplets (a.k.a Triples) and Hidden Triplets Explained - A Sudoku Strategy You MUST Know
A Sudoku With Only 4 Given "Digits"?!
Tutorial #40 A must know technique. NOT a puzzle.
Is This Sudoku Impossible?
Sudoku Secrets No. 2: The X-Wing #shorts
Techniques for Hard Sudoku
Top Nine Most Often Used Strategies for Solving Expert Sudoku Puzzles
One Of The Most Brilliant Puzzles We've Seen
Tutorial #50 Solving a hard puzzle from the beginning to the end