Where did Aids come from?
The REAL Origins & Evolution of HIV
How HIV First Started in Humans
The History of HIV and Current Epidemic
Looking Back On 40 Years Of The AIDS Epidemic
AIDS 101 | National Geographic
HIV/AIDS: Plague of the 21st Century
The Plague of Our Time: The HIV/AIDS Epidemic | NEJM
HIV Origins in Africa — HHMI BioInteractive Video
Why did HIV decline in Zimbabwe?
'Tinderbox': How Colonialism Shaped the HIV/AIDS Epidemic
Pandemics in history: HIV/AIDS
From The Archive: Early days of AIDS crisis in San Francisco in 1982
The hunt for the origins of HIV
An Illustrated History of AIDS
First AIDS Patients Diagnosed 35 Years Ago | Flashback | NBC News
HIV Origins: The Shocking Truth
The Global History of HIV
HIV/AIDS: Past Present and Future (a History Talk podcast)
AIDS: A Cultural History