Free art classes for laid off workers
Indianapolis Art Center: Open to All
Art classes to reduce stress
Kids Parkour Classes in Indianapolis
A Day in the Life of a Herron Student 🎨 | IUPUI Vlog
Free classes, perks you can get though the library | What's the Deal?
Former Indianapolis art teacher re-directs passion into dream job
Example of an ad for Indianapolis Art Center classes
"The Path of Life" | TRBC 1-5-25 AM | Pastor Joel Stevens
Martial Arts Classes for Adults in Indianapolis
Learn to throw clay your own way at this ceramics studio
UIndy School for Adult Learning - Career Counselor
Beginner Painting Class
Fishers Art Center offers classes for artists of all ages
Indy Now, May 1st: Indiana Clay Studio Tour
Interesting kids' classes in central Indiana
Indy Now, March 10th: a Fishers makers space for all abilities with Artjack Creative Studio!
Our Town Noblesville - Caravan Classes
Free fishing lessons being offered at Krannert Park
Knife Making Classes at Indy Hammered Knives