The Most Inbred State in America
8 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Inbreed
Most Inbred Countries
I Went to the Incest Capital of America…
What Happens When You Inbreed? | Earth Science
Inbred Family of Appalachia: The Truth About Inbreeding
Why is America so Inbred?
Why is Inbreeding Bad? Explained
A History of Royal Incest & Inbreeding - Part 1: Around the World
America's most inbred family the Whittakers welcome new baby Braxton.
Here's What 16 Generations of Inbreeding Looks Like...
Top 10 Most Inbred People in History
America’s most inbred family #whitakers #extreme #borndifferent #america
Larry Whittaker has died: Here’s the shocking truth behind America’s most inbred family 😧
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THE WHITTAKERS: A West Virginia Inbred Family Tree Explained- Mortal Faces
Inbred Family-The Whittakers
There was NO first human
The Whitakers , ray speaking (rare clip)