What happened to the Japanese SOLDIERS after WWII?
World War II (short version)
World War II: How Did It End?
THE PACIFIC WAR - Japan versus the US | Full Documentary
1945: What Happened At The End Of WWII? | The Year That Changed The World | Timeline
What Caused World War Two? in 90 Seconds
Japanese Refused to Surrender (July - September 1945) World War II
Rebuilding Japan after World War II
The Aftermath of World War II: Collaboration & Retribution
Did Japan Surrender Because of the Atomic Bomb?
The Day Japan Surrendered, Ending WWII | NBC News
World War II: Crash Course European History #38
The Reasons Behind the Japanese Surrender in WWII
Why wasn't Japan Split Between the Allies After World War 2 (Short Animated Documentary)
Why Did World War 2 Actually Start?
Who decided how Germany would be divided after WW2? (Short Animated Documentary)
World War II - Summary on a Map
WW2 - OverSimplified (Part 1)
WW2 Japan Expansion