How to say "What would you like to drink?" in French
Asking what you want to drink in French.
How to say what would you like to drink in French
Say it in French = And what would you like to drink
How to say "Would you like something to drink?" in French
Say it in French # And what would you like to drink
How To Say "To Drink" in French | Learn French Fast with Easy French Lessons
How to say in French = And what would you like to drink
Say it in French I Do you want to drink something avi
DRINK THIS 🧋 To INSTANTLY Speak French! 🇫🇷 | Sekora & Sefari Play
Say it in French = I’d like to order something to drink to start with
What Would You Like to Drink?
French Practice : How to say " TO DRINK " in French : BOIRE
French Listening Comprehension - Choosing a Drink in France
How to say "What would you like to drink?" in German
Boire (to drink) — Present Tense (French verbs conjugated by Learn French With Alexa)
FRENCH CLASS = have a drink
What is a Typical French Breakfast: What We Eat or Drink
How to say DRINK in French + use PARTITIVES. EASY! Boire et les Partitifs