The Great Migration of the Humpback Whale
Migrating whales
Onlookers in awe as humpback whales migrate north| 9 News Australia
Researcher Grace Russel discusses the annual Humpback Whale migration
Whales Migrating North, Central Coast Australia
Humpbacks and Southern Right Whales migrate to northern waters
Humpback whale migration under threat
Mid-Afternoon Masterclass: Calculating whale migration
Six weeks into the annual humpback migration, the whale watching industry is afloat again | ABC News
Humpback whales migration north
Migrating whales help revive Australian towns devastated by bushfires
Humpback whales migrating north from Sydney, Australia
The Most Dangerous Migration On Earth (Whale Documentary) | Natural Kingdom | Real Wild
Humpback Whale migration Australia
Video of Whales Migrating on the East Cost of Australia
4 Awesome Whale Migrations - The Story Of The Blue, Humpback, Sperm and Bowhead Whales
Cost of migration and migratory timing in Western Australian humpback whales, with Grace Russell
New South Whales - Whales migration of the Central Coast of NSW
Migrating Humpback Whales Western Australia
Humpback whale swims with dolphins off coast of Australia ahead of migration